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webmistress cassidy

doll 1 doll 2

The current mood of csssdy at www.imood.com

✰ hi, i'm cassidy ✰ 29 ✰ philly ✰

i play in a band called



new incoming transmission:

hi there!

new blog post 7.19! also a new archive section for old show fliers, and a new shrine!

our next jaunt on the road will be opening for DIIV and Horse Jumper of Love on the final leg of the Frog in Boiling Water release tour in a couple weeks.

and then big news: fb2 is going abroad! more to be announced, but we're starting with a show at the way out west festival:

dont forget to leave a message below and say hi if youre just passing by. if you like my site, please snag my button on the left there! all i ask is that you link it to this page!

rip aaron bushnell, free palestine

xoxo cass

posted at 21 june 2024